Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ain't No Thing...

Last night
under the crisp cold
we warmed ourselves with
steaming cups of coffee and hand holding
under the rickety wooden table
we laced secrets in our fingers and
gave squeezes and longing scratches
in front of everyone,but secretly.
Later, we found warmth under covers
,in each other,
in slow moans and delicious aching
we intertwined tongues
and legs and hair and ecstasy
with lips and toes and naughty bits.
Later still,
we lay in divine exhaustion,
a slim layer of shimmer on our nakedness
a satisfied feeling in the pits of our stomachs
a mischevious grin on your face
with whispers of even later still.

Tonight, I am alone,
with no escape from the
crisp cold that has settled over my head
knowing what we had that night
knowing we can never have it again
knowing you are with her
at this very moment.
I will never call out your name
or name the emptiness in my thoughts
after you.
I will pretend all I needed that night was warmth
never let on that I fell into those eyes of yours
and haven’t found my way back.
I will be your dirty little secret.
Sweet and hidden like the
hand holding under the table,
I will give you that naughty grin,
that secret wink,
and nobody will know.
Except my breaking heart..
By: Abby Enriquez

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