Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Marco 485

By Aby Yba

7 year old Marco woke up hard at breath. His unschooled mind did not yet know if he woke up from a terrible nightmare, a pointless dream, or if he ever dreamed at all. He woke when he heard from inside his own ear- his heavy breathing"huffff.. hufff".  He woke, when in the silence of his room, the brown door opened with a "crriiik", the kind of sound heavy doors often make "criik" and closed. He woke, when in the absence of siblings and he was the only child at home, he heard his name being called "Mac, mac, mac" must be from his mother... she always gets up early to cook.

That was the first time he woke up.

Marco, age 7, woke up perspiring. His kid's mind did not yet know if he woke up from a terrible nightmare or a pointless dream... BUT he was asleep awhile ago, this he knew. He was sweating, and his face was wet.. tears and sweat.  Wet was his shirt, wet underneath and even his pillows were soaked. As if the bed was turning into a large sponge. And Marco ,like water, was being sucked deeper and deeper. 

That was the second time Marco woke up.

In a lamp lit room, a 7 year-old boy is sleeping. The sound of a doorknob turning. A large and heavy door opening. And then "Marco... mac... mac..." coming from outside . The boy opens his eyes, breaths heavily,  reaches for his mother at his side(feels no one and nothing), gets up, looks at door that just opened...expects his Mama, but sees only hair...leaving the room.

Hair..long black hair.. just like his mom's hair...
Must be her. It is her.

Third time.

Marco, in all his innocence did not know that he was NOT yet awake. But he got up from his bed, noticed the absence of his Mother's side, he got up still groggy, wet  and found himself turning the doorknob to open the door-the heavy wooden brown Narra door. "Criiik" (Thought he saw it open).

He saw nothing. Not even the sala which should have been there.

He stood a moment when the voice resumed.. "Marco..mac..mac" this time the voice did not come from  outside of his room but inside..  - rubbing his wet eyes with his small small hand, he turned. saw a familiar shape on the bed...with long black hair.

Now he remembers! the absence! just this afternoon he was asking his grandfather where his mother is. And Marco is elated. With open arms ready for a hug, he stumbles and runs to "her" side.

"your mother went to see Saint Peter", says Lolo
"I want to follow her", Mac replies.
(Lolo) "you can't follow her, she is not coming back. she will be happy there as you will be in here"
"where is this house of Mr. Peter? I will go there
I will
go there" ()

Perhaps there is a shaver in that "house" for it is a wonder how Saint Peter judges stories cut too short.

How would you?