Have you ever thought of "it"?of just doing "it"?to just get "it" over with?
I know you thought of "it". You think of "it".
"It" is so simple too simple. Isn't "it"?
"it" is what "it" is.
So what don'y you just do "it"?
What is stopping you from doing "it"?
everybody else is doing "it"
why don't you do "it"?
you should be doing "it"
but you're not?
"It" doesn't makes sense.
just do "it". I know you can do "it". I can do "it". everybody can do "it"
you can actually get away with "it"
but does "it" even matter anyway if you do "it" or not do "it"?
because "it" does'n't matter. "it" doesn't even make sense.
don't metion "it" but do tell me about "it"
"it" hurts, but "it" is ok
so does "it" even matter anyway
if you do "it"?
or not do "it"?
"it" is time
for what?
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